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Change or Kill

When your life exhibits truth, is it by coincidence or is it by intentional articulation? If you are not a truth seeker, then, more than likely you are opportunistic and when you do exhibit the truth, it is indirectly. Those who are opportunists do not realize they made a choice to put self-interest before truth, but those who chose to seek the truth are very aware that they are truth seekers.


Being Mean to the Right People

For so long we have been taught that wise men exhibit kindness, temperance, and good nature. A good number of people have been taught that pride is bad, and to be humble is good. We have been made to think that a well adjusted person, is a happy person. Happiness is a state of pleasure, so one pursues happiness without question. I am not naive, I understand that in Islam, these kind of pleasure seeking principles are secondary. Law is what matters most in Islam. Allah cannot be governed by mere justice, Allah is the Law. Many people believe control is more important.


Badgers at War, and Men In Harmony

At some basic level, man is no different than a badger. Force and dominance is key to forwarding your prime directive, which is to mate and spread your seed or to find a dominant male if you are a female. Badgers do not care to gain the consent of the female. In this case, we see the state of war in nature, in its most basic form, rape, as the natural order of events. You can be sure that badgers will kill each other over necessary resources, when they are limited, but when resources are plentiful, I expect that the fighting does not stop.


Attack Your Own Position

I will always promote peace, diplomacy, education and healthcare, as it has been known for thousands of years, this brings harmony to the soul. Walter Kaufmann quotes Nietzsche, "A very popular error: having the courage of one's convictions; rather it is a matter of having the courage for an attack on one's convictions!" I have already pointed out some less than palatable, logical conclusions of the implications of my Universal Humanism. The end goal should always be minimizing human suffering, and maximizing opportunity for the majority.


A Fundamental Doctrine of Universal Humanism

1. Provide 4 necessities for yourself- Eat, Drink, Breath, Sleep
2. One man may not take the life of the other, unless in defense of his own.
3. Provide 4 necessities for the less fortunate other.



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